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Come See How a Smarter Future Is Made.

Upcoming Events

Everyone is welcome at Salo IoT Campus’ networking events, seminars and movie nights.

Meet the builders of a smarter future inside and outside campus in Salo IoT Campus’ many events. Our events bring you the latest on technological innovation and digital advancements and create the perfect setting for learning and networking. We also often get together to watch a movie, share a picnic, or enjoy a drink and a chat in great company.

Salo IoT Campus’ events and happenings are open for everyone.

Campus Coffee

Siilo coworking

Welcome to January's Campus Coffee!

Join us for the latest campus updates and introductions to new companies.

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Menestysyrittäjät Bisnesfestivaali 2025

Kiilan tapahtumatila

Menestysyrittäjät Bisnesfestivaali on kasvun nälkäisten yritysten ja yrityspäättäjien eksklusiivinen kohtaamispaikka. Inspiroidu tosielämän kasvutarinoista, nappaa parhaat vinkit omaan yritystoimintaasi ja tule osaksi innostavaa yhteisöä!


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