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Atte Köykkä has been named the CEO of Salo IoT Campus


Atte Köykkä will start as the new CEO of Salo IoT Campus from November 1, 2021.   Kampuksen toimitusjohtajan tehtävään nimetyllä Atte Köykällä on laaja kokemus kiinteistöalalta. Hän on toiminut johtajana kauppakeskuksissa sekä toimisto- ja tuotantokiinteistöympäristöissä. Ennen Salo IoT Campuksen toimitusjohtajuutta Köykkä toimi suomalaisen perheyhtiö Conficapin kiinteistöjohtajana. Köykkä...

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The CEO of Salo IoT Campus is changing, Jukka Vakula is moving on to new responsibilities


The CEO of Salo IoT Campus, Jukka Vakula, will step down from his position on September 19, 2021. Kirsi Borg has been appointed as the acting CEO of the company starting from September 20, 2021. Kirsi Borg is a highly experienced professional in the real estate...

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The filming of the series "Made in Finland" begins next week – C More's new original series will be shot at Salo IoT Campus


The filming of the highly anticipated new C More original series, "Made in Finland – The Story of Nokia," begins next week. Some scenes will be shot at the Salo IoT Campus, in Nokia's former premises. This drama series is based on true events and...

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The University of Turku and the Salo IoT Campus joint venture advances – machine and materials technology development began on campus in february


A branch of the University of Turku's degree program in machine and materials technology is also available on Salo IoT Campus as of February 2nd. Class activities on campus bring the University and companies in the Salo area closer together and also introduce battery-based materials...

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Salo IoT Campus is expanding significantly to meet the growing demands for new production space


Salo IoT Campus is launching an expansion project to respond to rapidly growing demands for production space. Salo IoT Campus has been a technological innovation hub in Salo since 2017 and it’s production facilities are currently operating at full capacity. Salo IoT Campus is building a...

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